The power of small decisions #90
Hello everyone,
This is a bit of a reflective one from me today.
I was at dinner last night, and it made me think about how important it is to be mindful of small decisions to make progress in health.
We were having a pizza night with friends at a lovely Italian restaurant. While we were sat down, I noticed the choices people were making. There is nothing wrong with having a pizza, but it’s the small things that add up. Someone ordered a Coke with their pizza; someone added olive oil to theirs, and someone ordered an espresso and added half a pack of sugar. Everyone added at least 100-200 calories to their pizza meal together with the low-nutrient-damaging choices (perhaps not the olive oil). I promise I don’t do this at every dinner table and be a judgemental friend. This was only a reflection on my own journey and behaviour.
Small choices
There is nothing wrong with having a pizza, enjoying food and good company. The issue is when we make these small decisions unconsciously rather than being mindful of them. All these choices in 6 months, one year, and ten years result in higher cholesterol, higher inflammation, weight and declining health. 20, 30 years from now, they result in all sorts of diagnoses. I don’t know about you, but I want to age well. I want to be that 75-year-old who still lifts weights, and people say: “She is doing amazing for her age.”
The pizza is good as it is; it doesn’t need olive oil. Sparkling water is great in summer; you don’t need a Coke.
This is why I believe in behaviour change for long-lasting lifestyle changes. We pay attention to these small choices that we make, become aware of them, and little by little, we better our health, control our PCOS better, lose or maintain a healthy weight, and become more in touch with our bodies.
In our PCOS programme, we will look at your habits overall. Together, we will identify some of the small choices you can make in the next three months to set the foundation for long-term health, manage your PCOS, and be healthier. Join here for a healthier future.
Many books on self-improvement have discussed this: getting 1% better every single day will get you far.
See you next Sunday,